Фото Tanvia Khan

Страница Tanvia Khan

Страна: Бангладеш
Город: Chittagong
Имя: Tanvia
Фамилия: Khan
Пол: женский
Дата рождения: 27 сентября
Последняя запись на стене: Rule 9 Academy Series by Elizabeth Rain BOOK 1 Fire Born Dragon I ran up Shephard's Mountain to escape the Monsters that were chasing me... ...and the Demons that were haunting my memories. Instead, I fell into a world where Magic is the New Black and the Challenges I face have nothing to do with curling irons and study groups. Drae Hallow is the home of Rule 9 Academy where nobody is normal and we're all a little bit of strange. They've invited me to attend their School for Magicals. Apparently, there's something inside of me and it wants to come out to play. But I need to learn to control it before it controls me. I'm game... After all, I might be my Momma's trouble; but I've always been my Daddy's stubborn. I'll need every bit of it too, because something else roams the woods after dark, and it doesn't have anything to do with Shifting 101. Together, with the help of others just like me, we'll have to uncover the lies before it's too late. The Magical world depends on us to find out the truth...or its Lights Out, Dark Ages and Witch Hunts all over again. If I'm not careful, my first semester might just be my last. BOOK 2 Fire Bound Dragon BOOK 3 Valley of the Dragons BOOK 4 Dragon's Blood BOOK 5 Dragon of Deep Lake
Была онлайн ВКонтакте: 08 июля 2024 в 23:53
Заходила: с web устройства
ВКонтакте сейчас: offline
ID анкеты: vk.com/id762772389
Домен анкеты: vk.com/tanvia
Разместить запись на стене: нельзя
Комментировать записи на стене: можно
Отправить личное сообщение: можно
Подписчиков: 14
Фотографий: 101
Подарков: 1
Сообществ: 11
Вуз: Premier University
Семейное положение: не замужем
Политические предпочтения: Либеральные
Главное в жизни: Семья и дети
Главное в людях: Доброта и честность
Отношение к курению: Нейтральное
Отношение к алкоголю: Нейтральное
Мировоззрение: Islam

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