Фото Xavier Dervillez

Страница Xavier Dervillez

Страна: Люксембург
Город: Luxembourg
Имя: Xavier
Фамилия: Dervillez
Пол: мужской
Дата рождения: 12 апреля 1968
Возраст:56 лет
Последняя запись на стене: I am familiar with russian culture for almost 20 years. I love the country, its language, its immensity and culture diversity. Unfortunately, an entire life spent traveling through it wouldn't be enough to discover it as it deserves. I am not really a big fan of my own country, and although most of french people are too much anchored within it, claiming their patriotism & nationalism, I am not as attached to it anymore. With regard to this, there are real similarities between the french
Был онлайн ВКонтакте: 02 мая 2023 в 10:46
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ID анкеты: vk.com/id753495
Разместить запись на стене: можно
Комментировать записи на стене: можно
Отправить личное сообщение: можно
Друзей: 7
Подписчиков: 27
Фотографий: 18
Фотоальбомов: 3
Сообществ: 15
Школа: Collège université, 1979 – 1983
Вуз: Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) 1999
Моя семья: vk.com/id892394534
Мои интересы: I like the Photography particularly. I do quite a lot photos, since 1984, still with a reflex camera of that time. I have also a collection of objectives, each being adapted for a particular situation., One of my favourite situations I like to take in pictures, is musicians on stage, during a gig. I have already made a set of 100 pictures of "the Who", in Paris, in 1997, black & white. Also, I have photographied musicians like Rory Gallagher (Reims, 6 months before he passed away), Alvin Lee (Reims, 1995, 1999), Jan Garbarek (Reims, & Frankfurt in 2000), Moby (Offenbach, 2000), Maceo Parker (1998), Sting (Wiesbaden, 2001), Luther & Bernard Allison (both in 1996, the latest in 2001), Lucky Peterson Peterson, Calvin Russell, Jean-Jacques Milteau, Herbie Hancock (2005 in Frankfurt), Dee Dee Bridgewater (2004 in Frankfurt), Theodore Walter "Sonny" Rollins (Frankfurt, 2003), and lot of others
Любимые телешоу: I have no real interest for this kind of programs
Любимая музыка: The music I like ranges from classical to post-modern electro-Jazz., As long as music has something to do with freedom in expression of inner feelings, in a melodical way, using jazz and classical instruments, harmony & listening the others in the band to create together a constructive work., The electronic investigations in music are also interesting to point out. From the middle of the fifties, with Stockhausen (father, then son), the french electronic music-maker Pierre Henry, continuing in the late sixties wih The German bands Kraftwerk, Can & Tangerine Dreams, Pink Floyd of course, and a decade later with Jean-Michel Jarre, in the middle eighties with Anne Clark, are the different bricks which have participated to the explosion of electronic music in 1987-88., All approaches of electronic music taking its roots in Jazz are to me really interesting to listen to & to share, as reference to modern music. Unfortunatelly, music for the masses sees the light from another approach, apart from what is really music as creation., I lke several russian artists as well, such as Machina vremenii/vocckrecenije, vladimir vissotski, Alexander Rosenbaum, Aquarium, Alica, zvyki my, Auktsion, Zemfira..
Анкеты моих друзей: 7 чел.

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