Фото Ивана Зубова

Страница Ивана Зубова

Страна: Россия
Город: Москва
Имя: Иван
Фамилия: Зубов
Пол: мужской
Дата рождения: 10 июля 2003
Возраст:20 лет
Последняя запись на стене: What is boredom? Where does it comes? And how to deal with it? Before answering this question, let’s figure out where this feeling comes from. As for me, boredom is a loss of energy, inability to concentrate and complete indifference to what is happening, because our mind wanders, the attention span is reduced. Boredom occurs when attention is paid to something that is devoid of interest. At the same time, what could be interesting is effectively blocked. As a result, there is fatigue, and even trance. It is not surprising that in a society where the words "need", "must" and "be patient" are used many times more often than "want", "interesting", "inspires" and "wishes– - unfortunately, boredom is becoming extremely common. But in fact, this is not surprising, since 80% of the inhabitants of our planet hate their work, that is, they work just to earn a living. But we must understand that we spend a very long period of our life on work and therefore we need to choose a profession that will give us pleasure, since our life is not that long. I would like to draw attention to young children who are bored much less often than adults. In choosing games, they are not guided by the word "should". They make choices spontaneously, taking into account their needs, needs and desires at the moment. Adults should take an example from them! You can object by saying that you can't always do only what you like in life! And yes, unfortunately, it's true. But on the other hand, you can try to find your like in any "don't like"! I want to give some tips: active recreation helps a lot to get rid of boredom. Books that will help you find yourself in this life, finding yourself you will get rid of boredom: "Important years 20-30", Meg Jay, "Never ever. How to break the deadlock and find yourself" Elena Rezanova, "Purpose. Find a life's work and realize your dreams", Alexander Ray. And remember that everything depends on you in this life. 😌
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