Фото Ian Hamilton

Страница Ian Hamilton

Имя: Ian
Фамилия: Hamilton
Пол: мужской
Дата рождения: 11 мая 1961
Возраст:63 года
Статус: The forest is my cathedral
Был онлайн ВКонтакте: 22 сентября 2024 в 15:35
Заходил: с web устройства
ВКонтакте сейчас: offline
ID анкеты: vk.com/id459399298
Домен анкеты: vk.com/ihamilton
Разместить запись на стене: можно
Комментировать записи на стене: можно
Отправить личное сообщение: нельзя
Подписчиков: 14
Видеозаписей: 31
Фотографий: 345
Фотоальбомов: 2
Вуз: Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT Polytechnic) 1982
О себе: In 1827, my forefather John Hamilton was living at a farm on the Isle of Arran, Scotland. His forebears had lived there for generations, farming under a communal system known as runrig, where plots of land were allocated on an annual basis by means of a draw. The owner of the land was the Duke of Hamilton. At that time the Duke was a minor, and his estate was being managed by others until he reached the age of majority. The invention of the steam-driven power loom was causing a great demand for wool, and many of the land-owners in the British Isles were reorganizing their estates to supply that commodity in an era known as "the improvements". Later called the highland and lowland clearances. Thus, the Duke decided to graze sheep on his land, instead of supporting the farm families such as Johns.¹ The Duke was not completely heartless towards his tenants, however. He offered to pay half the fare for families interested in moving to Canada, where 100 acres of land would be granted to them by the crown. In May of 1828, John and his family, along with many other families from Arran arrived on the shores of New Brunswick Canada at a community named Dalhousie. They went to his granted land, nearby in Blackland, and found it covered with trees. He cleared some land and planted potatoes among other vegetables between the stumps. Not having sufficient time to erect a proper building, he dug a hole in the ground and covered it with a roof of logs for their first winter. ¹ There were many reasons for the clearances, but I believe they were primarily driven by the economic concerns of the oligarchs.
Любимые цитаты: The secret to the universe is kindness.

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