Фото Kano Sinuous

Страница Kano Sinuous

Страна: Великобритания
Город: London
Имя: Kano
Фамилия: Sinuous
Пол: мужской
Дата рождения: 8 февраля 1974
Возраст:50 лет
Статус: Sinuous Records / Inception Λudio / Displaced Paranormals / London UK
Был онлайн ВКонтакте: 15 мая 2024 в 14:32
Заходил: с web устройства
ВКонтакте сейчас: offline
ID анкеты: vk.com/id24318276
Домен анкеты: vk.com/sinuousrecords
Деятельность: Welcome to the Official Sinuous Records fan page .© ™Look out for our latest podcasts & newsfeeds. 2018 will see Sinuous Records developing and pushing the sounds, bringing even more exciting new artists to the forefront.☢
Разместить запись на стене: можно
Комментировать записи на стене: можно
Отправить личное сообщение: можно
Подписчиков: 1
Видеозаписей: 82
Фотографий: 216
Фотоальбомов: 1
Аудиозаписей: 35
Сообществ: 124
Школа: 1 курс академии фотографии
Вуз: МГУ
Семейное положение: не женат
О себе: Biography Sinuous Records rightfully earned the respect within the D&B scene and built Sinuous Records into a leading producer of quality tunes and talented artists. After five years in the game Sinuous Records have come along way, With a attitude of producing quality over quantity, whether its a tune or artist, has served well and it is an image associated with Sinuous Records. New artists that have the flair and imagination that Sinuous Records want to push forward. All Sinuous back catalogue is available on digital, as well as limited vinyl from all good record shops and digital distributors. Kano & Sinuous Records Available for European/USA bookings If you are interested in booking please send an email to: sinuousrecordings@hotmail.com or here
Мои интересы: Sinuous back catalogue is available on digital, as well as limited vinyl from all good record shops and digital distributors. Sinuous Records Available for European/USA bookings If you are interested in booking please send an email to: sinuousrecordings@hotmail.com or here
Любимые телешоу: Bam, Ryan Sheckler, Rob and Big Black, Jackass
Любимые цитаты: Bitch , MOFO
Сайт: https://www.facebook.com/SinuousRecords
Политические предпочтения: Социалистические

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