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Последняя запись на стене: Chopta is situated in the Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand. For detailed info visit http://www.chopta.co.in Chopta is popularly known as "mini Switzerland". Chopta is situated at an located at an altitute of 2600 mts above sea level amidst dense forest. Enchanting views of the Himalayas is visible from Chopta. Chopta is the initiation point of the trek to famous Tungnath Mandir. The region is rich in varied flora and fauna. Chandrashila and deoria tal is a famous destination for trekkers on the way to chopta. It is good destination for bird watchers also as you can see a diverse kind of bird species here. Famous hotel destiantions in chopta are Magpie Resort, Mayadeep Herbal Resort, Chauhan Guest House. Best time to visit chopta is between March to May as the temperature in this time period is very pleasant here between 10degrees to 30degree. Chopta tour and packages are well organised by http://www.chopta.co.in as i have already been with them to chopta.
01 января 1970 в 00:00

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