Фото Полины Финютиной

Страница Полины Финютиной

Страна: Россия
Город: Самара
Имя: Полина
Фамилия: Финютина
Пол: женский
Дата рождения: 12 апреля
Была онлайн ВКонтакте: 25 июля 2016 в 17:13
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ID анкеты: vk.com/id196212249
Деятельность: Gomez is best known for films and television series "Wizards of Waverly Place, " "Another Cinderella Story", "Princess Protection Program, " "Hannah Montana, " "Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over." In 2009 he released a full-length film based on the TV series "Wizards of Waverly Place" titled "Wizards of Waverly Place in the movies." Prior to his participation in the Disney film, she played one of the children's roles in the children's TV show "Barney and Friends." There she starred with his longtime friend - Demi Lovato. In 2008, she signed a contract with the studio Hollywood Records and contributed his musical contribution to the cartoon "Fairies" movie "Another Cinderella Story", "Princess Protection Program" and the series "Wizards of Waverly Place." Together with her band Selena Gomez & the Scene released their debut album, Kiss & Tell, which was released in the U.S. in September 2009. Her song «One and the same» was included in the album Pop it, rock it, which included the song Miley Cyrus, Emily Osment, soundtracks, and other compositions. Selena Gomez song refers to a style of pop-rock, dance-pop, synthpop. In 2010, Selena played leading roles in "Ramona and Beezus" [6] [7] and the "Monte Carlo" [6] [7]. Also in 2010, the princess voiced Selenium in Luc Besson's movie "Arthur and the War of the Two Worlds." Was a guest star in the episode "Give Sonny a chance" on the 13th series of one season. Personal life
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Друзей: 18
Подписчиков: 39
Видеозаписей: 76
Фотографий: 241
Фотоальбомов: 2
Подарков: 4
Сообществ: 94
Мои интересы: In 12 years, according to the common tradition in the U.S. Selena wore "purity ring" [8], which means that it has pledged to keep her virginity before marriage [9] reported in the spring of 2011, Gomez took off her ring. [10] Gomez talks about his great love for animals, live in her house five dogs: Chip, Willy, Fiona, Wallis and Baylor. [Citation 71 days]. In January 2011, Gomez began receiving threats of murder via Twitter from fans of Justin Bieber after they saw pictures where Selena and Justin kiss. [11] In November 2012 Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have officially announced their separation [12] [13], but after a week of steam once again began to appear in public together. [14] June 10, 2011 Selena was urgently hospitalized with nausea and severe headaches after taking part in the show The Tonight Show [15]. June 13, 2011, it was reported that the cause of disease Gomez became physical exhaustion and food poisoning. [16] In November 2012 Selena Gomez was named Woman of the Year by the American magazine Glamour [17]. Brand Adidas NEO Selena Gomez chose a style icon sports brand, the actress will also become its designer. The contract was signed for 3 years. [18] Wax figures of Selena Gomez are in Los Angeles, Washington and Las Vegas [citation 71 days].
Анкеты моих друзей: 18 чел.

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