Фото Kol Maiklson

Страница Kol Maiklson

Имя: Kol
Фамилия: Maiklson
Отчество: ♥ ЗаСрАнЕц ♥
Пол: мужской
Дата рождения: 15 июня 2003
Возраст:21 год
Последняя запись на стене: Ищю Сп?? Кто В СП?? Пишите если вы не стеснительные. :) Уже ЛюбЛЮ ваш Кол.
Был онлайн ВКонтакте: 12 декабря 2021 в 17:18
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ID анкеты: vk.com/id164202844
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Отправить личное сообщение: можно
Подписчиков: 149
Видеозаписей: 10
Фотографий: 99
Фотоальбомов: 1
Аудиозаписей: 44
Подарков: 1
Сообществ: 96
Семейное положение: влюблён
Моя семья: vk.com/id172729629
О себе: Stefan Salvatore was born in 1847 in the town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. Stephen grew up happy, curious and mischievous boy. A lot of influence on the formation of his personality his father Stephen - Giuseppe. He loved his older brother, Damon, and when Damon left school or been in the army, Stefan very bored him. His father instilled in his son a love for art, nature, neighbors, brought up in him humanity, sense of justice. And now for the 17 years of boys, Stephen tomboy into a beautiful young man. Perhaps his life energy, positive, youthful naivete and innate charm (Italian roots make themselves felt), he immediately attracted the attention of the beautiful Katherine, who came to visit the mansion, Salvatore. Unsurpassed beauty, vitality, fragility, coupled with the inner strength, charming and slightly cheeky smile at the moment Catherine subdued humble Stephen. But as it turned out that not only attracted the attention of the young Stephen starlets. And his older brother, Damon, who recently returned from the army, and fell in love with her guest. Here is when the event started, which later cost Stephen a lot. Both brothers were not even aware that the girl who won their hearts, not an angel in the flesh. It turns out that Catherine - a vampire, which had its own plans for the Salvatore brothers. With the ability to hypnotize people, she charmed and Stephen saw his blood. Stephen never would have chosen himself this way. That's exactly it pushed him into the abyss of despair, in which Stephen later will live. Love, hate to Catherine fought in the soul of man, Stephen. But after the tragic events, Stephen turned into a vampire, to hatred of Catherine and added more self-hatred, which with each passing year more and more growing. Also, bring the flour formed chasm between him and his brother Damon. Later, their relationship has not improved, but only worse, because of mutual misunderstanding and hatred, which had sown between them and their common love for Catherine. Thus, Stephen became a vampire. From childhood he hates death and wanted to become a doctor to save lives. But fate has prepared him his life in the shadows. He was a murderer. Ruthless, cold-blooded monster, as he himself believed. Years of self-flagellation and education will power, led nevertheless to the fact that he stopped drinking human blood, and thus kill people. He is one of the few vampires who value human life. This was, and Lexie, a vampire with whom he once met. She became his best friend, with whom he could be himself and not afraid of censure. She became that spark that ignited in him extinct animal spirits, and the ability to have fun. And in 2009, aged 162 years, fate gives him hope in the form of Elena Gilbert. Girls that like two peas in a pod similar to his former lover Catherine. He returns home to Mystic Falls. Home, where he was the last time June 12, 1953. Stephen rather tall, thin brunette with short, slightly curly hair and green eyes. Despite the fact that the lean, athletic body and very flexible. Beautiful torso, strong arms. The right shoulder is decorated with a tattoo of a rose. His facial features can be called sculpture: a direct aristocratic nose, high forehead, strong chin and cheekbones sculpted like a complete sensual lips. His green eyes look deep, thoughtful, and if hiding some mystery and heartache. Although he almost always serious, thoughtful and a little sad, it is a rare smile is very genuine and charming. His whole image creates a haze of mystery around him. Despite the fact that his brother Damon and friend Lexie often reproached him in the absence of humor, Stephen still has a subtle sense of humor and can joke with people close to him. But the prevailing circumstances of life and nature itself is not Stephen presents him too many opportunities for fun. Previously, Stephen was dressed in an exclusive clothing, giving preference to black, but closer to our time, more conservative and practical than gettin

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